Sphere Mobile Wi-Fi Router with GPS

Sphere Mobile GPS Router

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Sphere Mobile Wi-Fi Router with GPS

Product Code:

Sphere Mobile Wi-Fi Router with GPS

Now, you don't have to cut yourself off from the rest of the world when you're on the road! With Sphere's new 4G Mobile Wi-Fi Routers, you have the flexibility of surfing the internet with ease on your travels!

Product Description

  • In-built flash drive USB sharing feature allows you to stream movies, videos, music and other file types over the router Wi-Fi signal without consuming any data.
  • By inserting a SIM card, the router provides protected internet access for your family and friends.
  • The Sphere Mobile Wi-Fi Router with GPS allows you to obtain the location of your caravan at any time, giving you the comfort and security to locate your caravan or motorhome when necessary!


    • Secure GPS tracking*
    • Power Consumption: 150mA @ 12V
    • Wi-Fi Range (open air): +100 Meters
    • 4 LAN Ports
    • 1 USB Port

    *GPS tracking requires 4G Data/Voice SIM

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